La Musique

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Shut up, sometimes.

It's been a long time. Yes, I know. It is hard to juggle work and school together. Not to mention, the boyfriend factor as well. Anyway, work is not too bad after all. It is evident to me that I have some fierce competition - my co-worker is like the all-rounder girl. Smart, sociable, aggresive, hardworking, everything ... even her email address claims that she is a_girl_to_diefor. Hah. Sometimes she is nice. And she is the only other summer student working in this lab. So, for now, I'll just be patient with her company.

I try not to get too close. I feel that I should be a little careful. At times, I get this vibe that she is just pretending to be really nice and accommodating. I don't know. Either way, the best defense would be to maintain a safe distance.

And, as always, smart people like that are really cocky. I don't really care if she brags about her stuff too much. She does show that confidence, leadership and capability to everyone. And that will make her a very succesful person. Yep, totally can see that. She is an all-rounder. By the way, she is from Queen's University. So, not from around here.

The other day, we were having our lunch break together. I don't know how we got into the topic of religion but it really put me off. Yes, you're very outspoken. You utilize freedom of speech, confidently state your opinion. But you don't tell someone in the face, "Okay, now after you saying all that ... I am totally put off by your religion. Like, totally!!" (By the way, I was explaining to her about Taoism and Buddhism).

To me, you won't get much if you aren't generally humble and sensitive. Religion is one issue that is very edgy. You can listen to the other side, make some comparisons here and there...but never, never put down someone else's religion. She isn't very tact with her words. Yes, being outspoken is good. But when it comes to people personality, interpersonal relationships ... you have to consider your words when interacting with others. There are many smart ways to go around the topic without offending the other party. That is why socializing is a tricky business. That's the real world, buddy. I have to admit that my weakness is my shyness. But I am working on that - I'd rather be viewed as a little boring and shy then the loud and edgy girl. Words cut like a knife. We all should know that.

I think she's been in the lime light too much. After all, she is the brilliant one. That's why she gets so edgy with her words. And that's why I don't have lunch with her everyday lest we get into that whole weird converesation again.

Ugh. It's tiring trying to keep up with her.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I will be having free dinner today :)
Yee Ying will be treating us to Jap food (woo hoo!). Oh, and I have watched X-men III and The Da Vinci Code. From my point of view, X-men was a more interesting movie than the Da Vinci Code. Perhaps it is the way they shoot the movie. I wouldn't say it's a terrible movie. It's just that I could not feel the same suspense and excitement as when reading the book. I fell asleep a couple of times in the cinema :P but it could have been that I was really exhausted. Anyway, can't compare books to their movies.

4:15 PM | |

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I know I wrote something which wasn't worth having me eyes read it over and over again. That's why I deleted it. Heck.

Work has been pretty good so far. I have to admit it isn't very interesting. My co-worker, who is completing his PhD in this research, said that I should do something "fancy" if I intend to go into graduate studies. Fancy research, he means. Well, I don't know. There's still time to think about it. By the end of August, I should have a clear idea of what I want to pursue. It's either out there in the working world ... or facing the challenges in the academic field. Can I still be a teacher??

Tonight, who will win the hockey game? Go, Oilers ... Go!! Jackie is bringing me out to Whyte Ave to watch the game. It's going to be wild! It's been so boring every night after work. I come home, cook dinner, eat, watch some movies on my computer ... and maybe read a book. I end up snuggling in bed at about 9-10 p.m.. Yup, that's early. It's time for some partying! Happy hour after work ;) It feels different now that I no longer consider myself a student. Although I am still taking a math class for the spring term, I don't feel pressured to do well. As long as I don't fail it. If I pass, everything is good since the G.P.A won't be counted into my overall grade.

How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal? Gosh, I need to excercise! I can't exercise with an injured foot. Ugh. I hate it when I sprain my ankle. I can't do anything.

11:01 AM | |

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Graduate Research Symposium

I attended the second annual Graduate Research Symposium today. I must say, this is my first time listening to all these research presentations. There were twelve speakers for the event, two of which were keynote speakers. The rest were graduate students competing in this event (I didn't realize it was actually a competition until my professor said that he was one of the judges).

But the best speaker was the first keynote speaker, Dr. David Foot, who is a professor of economics at the University of Toronto, and the author of the best-selling book - "Boom, Bust and Echo". He was great. He had an absolutely good sense of humour. It was a well-delivered speech.

After that, I only managed to stay focused on two graduate research presentations. I don't know why. Perhaps, what some were talking about was too difficult to understand. They talked about fuel cells, roasting minerals, reaction mechanisms or those simulation models ... I was doo-deedly-dum after the 3rd or 4th presentation slide.

Then again, it was interesting ... something different. At least, I was not spending another day at the office pretending to do something. It's tough trying to find something to do. I'd rather have something challenging to do than sit around feeling lost. Today, I managed to chat with my professor. Met a few new people but I know I won't be seeing them again anytime soon. It was a good social event. Although I felt really small there. It felt like I wasn't knowledgable or experienced enough to be there. I wanted to ask questions about the students' research work, but somehow I find difficulty in trying to ask a good question. Maybe I bother too much about trying to ask a good question ... wanting to make an impression, you see. I shouldn't worry about it next time and just ask what I want to know. But it was difficult too because my colleague wasn't very interested in reading the posters. She was sort of just grading the posters, judging it by its looks and overall impression. I wanted to read those stuff. But oh well.

I have officially finished reading, "The Journal of Mortifying Moments". At first, I thought this book was just some silly chick story thing ... but I forced myself to read more of it (now that I have the time!). And it was actually pretty good. I got hooked onto it. I think my sister will like this book. If I am not mistaken, it's pretty similar to the Shopaholic series ... only this one has more of a Canadian touch to it. Most of the mortifying moments are pretty funny. I mean, imagine going out on a date with this really hot guy (it was him who asked her out too). I don't know how a girl friend can suggest such a stupid thing - use scotch-tape to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face ... And she ... absent-mindedly forgot to take it off. So imagine ... you're out on a date with a tape on your forehead. The guy was being really quiet and awkward the whole time, and she thought to herself, "What was wrong with this guy, he actually isn't that interesting at all!" But she went "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" when her friend told her that he was actually very confused about the tape. That is such a disaster.

It's a simple read. I hate books with too much wordy description. I mean an apple is red or the sky is blue and ... heck it's an apple. You don't have to describe it with five sentences. If I read a page, and I don't understand what it's trying to say then I will close the book. End of story. That's probably why I am so picky with books. Anyway, the university bookstore had some stock clearance and a lot of books were discounted 75%. I bought three books, "The Blood Girls" by Meira Cook, "The House Tibet" by Georgia Savage, and "Sleep Demons" by Bill Hayes. I actually do enjoy reading a good book. And I am beginning to dislike splurging money on books because in four or five months, they will be on the discount rack. Just like the Journal of Mortifying Moments. I bought it for $27, and six months later ... it's selling for $7!! ARGHH!! I feel so stupid. So now, I will only buy books which are cheap. Yes, that is what I will do starting tomorrow.

10:35 PM | |

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bad Start

I haven't had proper rest since the unfriendly exams ended. Had to help Yee Ying move to her new apartment in Vegreville. It was not an interesting experience. And I felt all of us were doing most of the work, including assembling all the furniture. Oh well.

While we were there, Jackie locked himself out of the car. That was another bloop to the whole mess. My mind was going, "Shit, I don't want to spend the night here. I want to go home!!!"

We tried calling the emergency line but it was ridiculously busy. How can an emergency line be busy?... sheesh. That really annoyed me. But fortunately, we got through to them after trying n-th times.

Now, I am back here ... still very much lacking of sleep. I bought a plant yesterday to cheer myself up.

And I am sitting in my so-called office right now ... reading research papers again (I thought I don't have to read these anymore after taking that Biomaterials course). It is so boring, but I guess they need to feed me with information first. Anyhow, my mood has been crushed by a really stupid incident an hour ago. I went to photocopy my student visa in my passport, and carelessly left my passport on the machine ...

It was traumatic. I only realized my passport was not in the bag when I reached the office. Ran back there with all my might. Horrible scenarios were running through my head ... I was so disoriented. Note to self: PHOTOCOPY VISAS WITH A FRIEND PRESENT. Perhaps then, the probability of me forgetting my passport is lower. BLuehhhh............

I am tired. I think I will get off work soon. The best thing about this job is that there is no fixed office hours. As long as the assigned work is completed at the end of the work term. Sweet. But I still have to read these papers ... ugh.

2:56 PM | |