Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Life Goes On
Argh. My laptop is retiring soon. Yesterday morning, I turned it on and Windows just didn't want to start up for me. Boohoo.
I'll wait for my genius to fix it for me :)
Yeap ... life goes on. I am looking forward to go home for a holiday, but not the impending discussion about my future with my parents.
I have officially moved in to my new apartment! Well, it is still in ol' HUB Mall. I was relocated to a newer unit because they needed to do a major renovation in that old unit. Well, I am currently satisified with its condition. It is very new, they have renovated everything from the bathroom to the walls. As for furnishings, I spent $150 at IKEA (oops).
My new roommate will be moving in this Friday. I think she is from China. I am hoping she is nice. Thank goodness she isn't Korean. No offence to the whole population of Korea, but I generally am fed-up with Korean housemates. Twice, and none were nice. I never want to LIVE with a Korean ever again. Never.
The first Korean housemate I had was rude and spoilt. They don't know how to clean even their own dishes. Throw left-overs into the sink and expect other people in the house to clean it? Sensitive about how others treat them but insensitive to how she treats other people. Inconsiderate and obnoxious. Yes, I dislike her so much that I never want to see her face again.
The second Korean housemate is much nicer than the first. However, she needs to sort out her priorities and emotions. And she needs to stop thinking that she is stupid just because she doesn't speak English very well. Come on, a doctorate in law? She is 28 years old and cries about it all the time. My friend who is 20 years old had to sit down and talk to her about life? Geez. She is so stubborn, she cannot get the fact that she is a foreign student whose English is not her first language. Every international student faces the same situation, but most of them learn from it and go on with life here. Eventually, they fit in pretty well in campus life. She cries about it all the time. And she assumes too much. When we are talking loudly or laughing about something in the living room, she thinks that we are laughing at her. She is lazy and stubborn when I asked her to clean for a move-out inspection. Now, she is crying and worrying because she has to pay the cleaning charges. I told her before about it, and she didn't want to listen. These housing people check every corner of the house and they will find something to charge you. Arrrrrrrr ... she is so annoying! I don't want to see her again too.
10:23 AM | |
Monday, June 26, 2006
Life Aches as you Age
Is it so wrong to choose how you want to live your life?
I know my parents have sacrificed a lot for funding my education in Canada. Yes, in the first two years of my undergraduate program, I thought maybe I would just go home in the end because it was difficult for an international student to find a job here. However, the government has open the door a little more. Now, we are able to apply for post-graduation work program. As long as an employer is willing to hire us, we can apply for a 12-month work permit. Then, if things are well enough, the government might allow us to renew it.
I don't want to just return home without even trying to find a job here. The pay and incentives are so beneficial here. Currently, I am just not ready to return home for good. My parents are getting upset over this issue. They said that it is upsetting to know that I have plans to apply for permanent residence in Canada.
How can I explain to them? My mum says I am unfillial for not returning home. But what if I find the love of my life here? What if I marry a Canadian? I become a citizen of Canada automatically. Are they trying to say that I cannot find a husband here and that I need to revolve my life around Malaysia and my family only? What about my own happiness? Love doesn't just pop out of nowhere like that.
I feel it is so unfair, yet it hurts to know that your parents are upset. But it's not like I am abandoning the family! I just want to secure something of my own. I just hope they can understand that I need some time to just be on my own for a while. And I am thinking, if I can get citizenship in Canada, I can just return home to Malaysia because you don't need to live in Canada to be a citizen. I just want to build my own life first. I want to earn back that money and help my dad support my sister's education.
I don't want to return home yet. Either way, I still love my family very much. Is it so wrong ad unfillial?
3:57 PM | |
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My Perfect Lover
Haha, I got tagged by
Huey Teng. Argh, I should be studying for my exam. Heck.
Here are the rules:
- The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her lover
- Has to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover
- Tag eight other victims to join in this game and leave a comment on their blog
- If you got tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again
- Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT!
Let's see. I have to describe my ideal lover with 8 points, no specific order to it. Naturally, everyone knows what an ideal lover is. Those general traits like loyalty, sincerity, charming, drop-dead gorgeous (tee hee, this is every girls dream), and oh yes - count in the good performance in bed too
(akkakkak kakakak) ...
Since I have been dating someone for the past 7 months, I will list down the 8 points he has being my sweetest love. I do believe no one is 100% perfect, and so this is just going to be 8 points about him being my love. I want to say he is the love of my life but well, I'm still young and all ... who knows he might not even be my life partner in the future.
Obviously, he is male. I am straight (you all should know that). Yeah, I have this infinite amount of attraction for the male species (and it's not because they have a penis).
He stole my heart because ...
1. He has a unique sense of humourI don't know how he does it, but he really makes my heart smile. I can spend a whole day with him without feeling bored. Witty, intelligent, and silly at times. It's interesting to see how he maintains a cool composure in front of his friends, but when with me and my girlfriends he becomes the comedian (sometimes he shows his feminine side too, which is always interesting). Well, I don't mean he is a clown. He is just unique and no one feels bored around him. There's always something funny to tease or talk about. And it makes not only me but everyone else around him happy. Most importantly, he still is himself. There is no shadow behind him that I cannot see.
2. He is a friend in all waysBesides sharing all the intimacy with him, I can share with him all my worries, my thoughts, and my desires. Of course, sometimes he can be a little too analytical. At times, he upsets me because we don't agree eye to eye on things but with his strength and my faults, I feel that I am growing to be a better person. I have learnt to become less sensitive to emotions (hey, I am a girl). He has learnt to be more generous, caring, and mature (yeah, guys sometimes are still immature in their thoughts). He is a friend too. And that is what makes us share the most together.
3. He is intelligentThis is one of the general attractions that girls tend to fall for. Then again, there are different categories of intelligence. He isn't the studious type. But he is innovative and creative. He only gets good grades for the subjects that he finds interesting. These people are picky and lazy but smart. He is more street-smart than I am. I just find it safe to be with a guy who knows what he is doing and what is happening around the block. Haha, I find it sexy :)
4. He treats me like a womanNow, this is very important to me. If a guy doesn't know how to treat a lady like a lady ... he's out of the game. Even if I am an independent woman, I am still a woman who needs that attention. It can be very small details like, opening the car door for you, protecting you from the cold wind by letting you hide behind him, insisting on carrying your shopping bags even if it weighs like a feather ... to bigger details like showering you with gifts and paying for your food. Of course, it might be annoying if it gets too excessive. But he catches me by surprise all the time. That's how he is. And hopefully, he doesn't stop doing it :)
5. He appreciates meIf ever a guy wants to win a girl's heart, he has to appreciate what the girl does for him. Cooking a meal, sharing an opinion, lending a listening ear. He shows that he appreciates it although he will insist that I shouldn't trouble myself like that. That is very gentleman-like. I have met guys who are just so egoistical that they think that it's silly to share their problems with the girlfriend. I hate that part of the ego in a man.
6. He is the new-age guyI've had bad experiences with guys who are too old-fashioned. He has to be open-minded now in this current age. If not, it will be difficult times when we have to make decisions, agreements ... our thoughts just won't coincide (at least some).
7. He knows who I amIf there is anything a girl should know that the guy is sincere, it should be his reasons for loving you this much. Perhaps it is not true enough by words only. They say action speaks louder than words but only time can tell all these. He should also know my positive and negative traits. If he can read me like a book, I might feel intimidated but at least I know that he is sincere in getting to know me better and love me for who I am.
8. He has a deep voice and a way with wordsLet's just say that ... it's sexy. It makes my legs go weak. And I always want to hear his voice. Even if it was just going ot be 5 minutes on the phone. It is natural to question the sincerity of a sweet talker. But I must say, his sweet words are not too high of sugar. It is just right. Either way, I always end up getting something better in the end after those sweet, sweet flatterings (tee hee hee).
Okay, I feel like I just wrote a book about him. So, time to tag.
WayneLi Shun AmsChiak LungBrendaOkay, I can only tag 5 people ... hahaha... enjoy!
12:00 PM | |
Friday, June 09, 2006
Yesterday I was typing this post but stupid, stupid Blogger ... anyway. I shall put forward yesterday's intention of bitching now, hehe.
So much has happened. I seriously think this year isn't going very smoothly for me. Perhaps, this is what they call superstition. Or maybe it's that time of the year. Or the change of weather. Man, it's been raining all day for the past two days. Did that sentence make sense?
Two days ago, I discovered that I have to be relocated to another unit in the residence. Apparently, I was suppoze to know about this plan in April. But really, none of us receive the notice. So, I am moving house. Again. It seems like I have to move to a new place every year. This time, it doesn't really matter. After all, I did plan on moving out of residence. However, I could not find a better ...
and cheaper place. Sad. Boohoo. It's too expensive to pay $600 over for a bachelor unit. Canadian dollars. Grr... I'll wait till I earn more money! Hmphhh..Okay, I really don't like this girl. My co-worker. My weird colleague. She needs to go sit at a corner and reflect on herself. The worse part is, she doesn't seem sincere. Fake. Really fake. I have heard more weird stories from other co-workers (who are my good friends). But I will tell you what happened yesterday.
Actually, a week ago, we were suppoze to make some changes to one presentation slide. Previously, we drew the diagrams and tables together. I thought maybe she would modify this particular slide by herself since she designed it herself without my help. But well, I guess we both had nothing to do. At least, at times, I have nothing urgent to do. Therefore, two days ago I tried changing it myself. Yesterday, she came over to my desk and ask,
"Oh, do you know if we need to make any more changes to anything on the presentation? I can't remember which slides the professor told us to do." "Err, yeah remember that slide where we had to enlarge that crystal?""Oh, right! You know, I did some stuff to it. Here, I'll show you. But I think it looks crappy though."I was surprised. Why would she pretend not to know anything about it ... asked me about it ... only to end up showing me her masterpiece? Something isn't right there. Okay, that was event number one. Event number two - since I made some changes as well myself, I showed mine to her too. I have to admit it was not very good because I tilted the angle too much. Anyhow, I was trying. When she saw it, she replied,
"Oh, that doesn't look very good. It looked like someone screwed it up so bad."WHAT THE FUCK?Seriously. Who are you to give me that kind of comment. If it was my boss or manager who told me that, I would have accepted it. Although, it might seem really harsh to me but the point is, you are just my co-worker. You should watch your words. Don't get me wrong here - I am not angry or whatever. I just feel that she is going to keep losing friends if she doesn't
Some people. You just feel like putting them in a box. Let's make it a black box instead.
There's another funny one. This is from my other co-worker (who is also my good friend, hehe). I was not present during the conversation. The three of them were chatting in the computer lab. Okay let's put some labels here - Girl A and B are my good friends and Girl C is the annoying person.
Girl A was saying,
"I woke up this morning, changed into my clothes, and realized that everything that I put on was from *AE."Girl B just laugher along naturally.
Girl C asked,
"Ohhh, what is AE?" (try to imagine a typical qwei lo accent, maybe a little bit of a bimbotic tone too)
Girl A replied,
"Err, it's a clothing store at West Edmonton mall.""Ohhhh yeahh... we have that too at Kingston. Oh, it must be so easy for you to find sizes there! I can't even fit into a size zero. It's too big for me!"Huh. Size zero too big for her. Obviously, she hasn't been shopping much. A size zero is like an extra small. The only person I can see fittting into a size zero is Huey Teng. Girl C may be short and petite but she is nowhere near size zero. She is at least wearing a size 4-5.
That was like the biggest joke I have heard.
*AE is American Eagle Outfitters.The other day, I was reading XiaXue's blog and I flipped. She asked herself,
"Why do obscenely fat people want to go to Disneyland?"Hah. She took a picture of the obscenely fat person as well. Obscenely fat people want to go to Disneyland because they want to observe obscenely bimbotic people like you and ask themselves,
"Why do obscenely bimbotic girls want to go to Disneyland?" She should be really proud of her bimbotic sense of curiosity. Gosh. Some people.
8:13 AM | |
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Food Fiesta
Actually, I had a pretty good time last weekend ...
I ate a lot. Lots of good food. The Japanese cuisine was free :)
Here are the pictures - don't get hungry.
On Saturday evening ... Yee Ying treated us to Japanese food at Mikado!
Rainbow Rolllllll ...

Dynamite Roll (yum yum)

Sushi Pizza!

This dish was called Dragon's Eye. It came with some "dragon sauce", haha!
On Sunday morning ... we treated Maggie to Dim Sum at Mirama Dining Lounge!
Phew. That was a lot of eating to do for the weekend. I have been feeling quite guilty for letting myself overeat. But then again, it was good food ........ hehe. That's why I went for a swim today. Burn away the calories!
The weather in Edmonton is getting really nice. Clear blue skies, cooling breeze in the morning and a warm breeze in the evening. Even if it rains, it still feels nice. It's the first time I am carrying an umbrella on campus. I feel so cute when walking under the umbrella. My umbrella is cute because it has a small piggy picture on it. Haha. Funny it is - I am relating my excitement to the rain and umbrella.
6:43 PM | |